Students from six high schools in Denver, Colorado decided to take a stand against a "conservative-led school board proposal" last week by protesting outside their respective schools. The board proposed changes to textbook and course plans for history classes because they want to "present positive aspects of the nation and its heritage". Ideally,the values the board wants to emphasize are patriotism, respect for authority, and discouraging civil disobidence. If the proposal is passed, all textbooks and school materials would need to be revised in order to meet the new standards. A member of the board, Julie Williams,is a conservative who defended the proposal saying," 'we shouldn't be encouraging our kids to think that America is a bad place'." The proposal is currently on hold.
While reading this article, I grew more and more flabbergasted over the content of the proposal. I found the board members to be idiots, frankly, because they are trying to ignore our nation's foundations and how we became the country we are today. After all, the founding fathers committed treason in the eyes of England because they were not loyal to the Crown. Our country would not exist today is it weren't for the "civil disobedience" and "lack of respect" our fathers demonstrated.
Many other historical events show these same "un-American" qualities including the Civil Rights Movement and the Women's Suffrage Movement. If African-Americans and women respected authority and did not protest, they would not have the same rights as they do today. Ironically, Ms. Williams would likely not be in the position she is in now if it was not for the Women Suffrage Movement.
If the proposed changes are included in textbooks and materials, millions of children and adolescences in the school system would be lied too. Our history is hypocritical, messy and at times, downright disgusting. However, it is the history of our nation. In order to accept the "good" of the U.S., we also need to accept and include the "bad". Children will not believe that "America is a bad place", as Ms. Williams fears. Instead, they will be informed about the true history of our nation. While they will be proud of their country, they will also know we are not perfect.
I am incredibly proud of all of the students who protested. I believe they shows true patriotism and the board should feel ashamed of themselves.